37457 Advanced Bayesian Methods

Preparation for Laptops Running Windows

  1. Firstly, make sure a recent version of R is on your laptop. As of early mid-August 2023 the current version is
    R version 4.3.1 (2022-06-23) -- "Beagle Scouts" . If you do not have a very recent version of R then
    go to the Comprehensive R Archive Network and click on the link Download R for Windows. Follow the instructions
    given there to install R on your laptop.

  2. Go to the Just Another Gibbs Sampler web-site and click on Download and save the file named
    JAGS-4.3.1.exe to the Desktop section of your laptop.

  3. Click on the icon for JAGS-4.3.1.exe and then follow installation instructions.

  4. Start an R session.

  5. Type install.packages("rjags") and hit enter. Then follow all instructions given.

  6. Type library(rjags) and hit enter. Ignore any warning messages that you might get.
    If you don't get an error message then the R package rjags (needed for Laboratory 1) is now installed on your computer.
    If you do get an error message then ask the lecturer for help.
If you experience any problems with the above then the lecturer will try his best to help you, ideally in person at a class meeting or tutorial,
but possibly via e-mail. His address is matt.wand@uts.edu.au.